May, 18th 2016
"Talking to Custumer"
1) Means of Transport

- Cruiser: Crucero
- Ambulance: Ambulancia
- Train: Tren
- Coach: Auto Bus Turístico
- Ferry: Transbordador
- Helicopter; Helicóptero
- Fire-engine: Camión de Bomberos
- Scooter: Moto
- Sailboat: Velero
- Lorry: Camión
- Airplane: Avión
- Lifeboat: Bote Salvavidas
- Canoe: Canoa
- Van: Furgoneta
- Jeep: Todo terreno
- MotorBike: Motocicleta
- Truck: Camión
- Hot air balloon: Globo Aerostático
- Yacht: Yate
- Jetski: Moto de Agua
- Tram: Tranvía
- Car: Auto
- Bike: Bicicleta
- Underground: Metro
2) Expressions to learn
Could you tell us how to get there?
It would be a good idea to go on..
Why don´t you leave your car here?
It's much more convenient.
Avoid travelling between ... and... in the afternoon.
You could take the train from..
How about taking the underground to ... them the... ?
Take the distric line to... then change to the...
3) How can i get to?
Give Recomendations:
Take a..
You Should..
You Must..
You have to..
It's a good idea..
Why don´t you..
4) Activity "Language check"
Look at these examples showing the form of the verb which follow expressions used to recommend, suggest and advise.
It would be a good idea to (Take)
Why not (Taking) the ferry ?
I'd recommend (Taking)..
Your best option is to (Take)...
You can/could (Take)
How about (Taking)...?
In my opinion, the best way to (Get to)..
Underline the correct alternative.
- It would be a good idea visit/to visit/ visiting the cathedral in the evening.
- You could take /taking/ to take the cable car to the top of the mountain.
- In my opinion, the best way to see/ seeing/ see the harbour is by boat.
- I'd recommend to buy /buy /buying a strip of tickets.
- Why not go / to go / going by riverboat?
- You can take / to take / taking the bus - it stops opposite the hotel.
- Your best option is to rent / renting / rent a car.
- How about to visit / visit / visiting the old town?